Ever heard of that quote? The simple Malaysian life... Well I'm not certain whether the people who wrote it meant it or it is just a plain sentence that people wrote because it sounds good. As for me I believed there is nothing simple in Malaysian life especially when we practice the culture brought by our ancestors. Let us just focus on the 'Adat Resam' without touching the religous part because in Islam is simple and the best way of life undeniable!
Regarding Malaysian culture.. past few weeks I helped in 'merewang' for an aqiqah at my IL hometown at Kuala Pilah. The first think I had in mind when my hubby told me regarding the occasion, I thought that it will be a simple doa selamat occasion with some servings to the guests as we are going to sembelih 2 goats. But.. It is not as simple as what I had in mind... Gosh.. hmm.. what is the word to describe it..EXTRAVAGANZA..maybe that may describe the occasion all together..
2 Tents were set up for the purpose of the Aqiqah so that may give you the idea of how big the occasion is .
However the best part of all was everyone were so curteous in lending helping hands to help making the kenduri a big success. Despite all the hard work, everyone is still being able to smile during and after the kenduri so no matter how complicated our culture is as long as we enjoy I think its OK..

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