Phoenix park.. Tu phoenix kat on top of the monument..
Second day at Dublin, we went to Phoenix park, we've been told that it was the largest park in europe so definitely we went round the park via car. In the park is the Dublin zoo but tak masuklah, not really interested to visit zoo. We did wander around, but unfortunately we didn' manage to see the dears at the park. Ussually there are dears wandering freely in this park. But as for today we are just not in luck. Maybe the dears have sense there will be malaysian coming so Hide!!
The green house
Today is THE DAY... All the adrenalin rush can be felt since early morning. I can't sleep from the moment I finished my Subuh prayers until its time to walk to UCD. I felt tachicardic, nausea, dispnea .. long story short all the physiological changes were due to the instabil emotion I'm feeling at the time. Any way we started walking early morning, though I'm scared with the tought of the presentation but as ussual my hubby still happy snapping pics here and there.
My hubby pretending to wait for a bus but the truth was we walked along the way
They told me that it will only be a 10 - 15 minutes walk but..... I felt like losing my breath walking to UCD from Radisson... Arghhh it had been years when I last walk this distance.
Anyway arrived alast. Alhamdulillah
The lake and the hill view as background while promoting Ain's delicious muffin.
July 29, 2009 at 9:22 PM
congrat! Bess nye dpt gi Dublin.
August 8, 2009 at 4:26 PM
Thanks ejah nanti ader duit sket sket kiter buat trip gi jejalan sesama okay..
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