Wise man?

Wise man says only fools rush in and I can't help falling in love with you.... Quote and unquote. Wise man says this.. wise man says that.. bla bla bla .. I'm not trying to be a pesimist but does a wise man really exist in this world.. How are we defining wise anyway? Come on ... After analyzing most quotations from either my friends or the people I know, I conclude that ussually we are using this quotation of wise man says.... when we think we agrees in part of what he is saying. So, do the people that we think is right is considered as wise, what about the people who gives opinion that is not inline with us, what about that? Are they wise too... so eventhough the definition of wise is 'Having knowledge; knowing; enlightened; of extensive information; erudite; learned.' I believed that people including of even myself will have our own definition on who is wise and who is not... Confusing huh...
The gloom within me

I'm seeking for words of wisdom to be shared by a wise person to overcome my doubts and the indecisive within me. But who is that wise person?